AQA/Edexcel/IGCSE Maths Curriculum and Exam Differences - Part 1

If you're wondering which exam board to choose between AQA and Edexcel, the content required for each is very similar - the main differences are in how the exams are written.

The IGCSE Syllabus is different, it has more content and some slightly harder topics than the standard GCSE.

The I in IGCSE stands for International and this qualification is accessible in around 150 countries, whereas the GCSE is only available in the UK and a few other places. 

If you're homeschooling it may be worth going for the IGCSE as it is considered more prestigious by some and it gives you the flexibility to take the qualification from almost anywhere. 

I will go through each syllabus in more detail, starting with AQA:


Exams: There are 3 exams, 1 is non-calculator. Each has 80 marks and there is a foundation (levels 1 to 5)  and higher tier available (levels 5 to 9). 

In 2022, you needed 214 out of 240 to score a level 9. You can see all of the AQA Maths GCSE grade boundaries here

Here is a rough guide to the percentage that each topic is assessed across the exams - not in each individual one:

Topic Area Foundation Tier (%) Higher Tier (%)
Number 25 15
Algebra 20 30
Ratio 25 20
Geometry 15 20
Probability and statistics (combined) 15 15

That's an overview of the AQA Syllabus. For a more detailed breakdown, please have a look at their site or drop me a line and I'll help you out :)

AQA/Edexcel/IGCSE Maths Curriculum and Exam Differences - Part 2


GCSE Maths Exam Schedule 2023