Content Differences Between IGCSE Maths and GCSE Maths

 You might be wondering what the differences are between the IGCSE and GCSE Maths.

Particularly if you are homeschooling or if you are an international student looking for a UK equivalent qualification, you may be wondering which is better.

When talking about education, a 'better' qualification, usually means harder. 

Some organisations see the IGCSE as more prestigious and I assume this is because the IGCSE Maths qualification has more content and slightly harder topics than the standard GCSE.

Here are the additional topics required in the IGCSE: 

 - Differentiation 

 - Matrices

Usually these topics aren't covered until A-Levels.

Having said that, the difference between IGCSE and GCSE Maths was probably greater before the grading system changed to the levels system. Because along with the grading change, some A-Level content was also added into the GCSE Maths syllabus. 

So the Maths GCSE is harder than it was pre-2017, but is still slightly easier than the IGCSE.

So which one should you choose?

It depends on your circumstances and your goals.

If you are an international student or would like the flexibility to be able to take your GCSE Maths exam anywhere in the world, go for the IGCSE.

If you are in the UK and are looking to get a basic maths qualification, the standard GCSE will be fine.

If you love maths as much as I do and want to continue studying after GCSE, you may as well go for the IGCSE as you'll have to cover those extra topics at some point anyway.

Hope that helps. If you have any more questions comment below or contact me, happy to help :)


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