Why percentages are so confusing and how to make them painless - Part 2
In Part 1 of GCSE Maths Percentage Questions we looked at changing fractions into percentages when the bottom number (denominator) goes into 100, i.e. is a factor of 100.
However, this won't always happen and you need to know how to change other fractions into percentages.
For example, you might have to change 6/24 into a percentage.
For these kind of questions, you need to remember that a fraction is also a divide. Meaning that 6/24 is also 6 divided by 24.
The process for converting these kind of fractions to a percentage is to simplify the fraction and then do the division.
So in this case, 6/24 simplifies to 1/4. 1 divided by 4 is 0.25.
To change a decimal into a percentage, multiply by 100, which gives us 25%.
Here's another example: 3/16
3/16 does not simplify.
16 does not go into 100.
So to change 3/16 into a percentage we need to do the division.
These kind of questions are usually calculator questions, but you can also do them without a calculator.
You will need to add some decimal places to the 16 - I will go into detail on how to divide awkward numbers in a different post.
3 divided by 16 is 0.1875, multiply by 100 to get 18.75%
Below are some practice questions.
Express the following as percentages:
1. 16/26
2. 37/84
3. 56/65
4. 78/90
5. 12/30
6. 42/90
7. 84/85
8. 17/27
9. 33/35
10. 43/57