How to understand the hourly rate of a GCSE Maths Tutor

Whilst looking for a GCSE Maths Tutor, you’ve probably noticed that they all seem to charge different rates.

Most charge per hour or per 40 mins.

Why is there such a big range with Maths Tutor fees?

Private Tuition, for any subject, is like any other service provider.

The person providing the service factors in several things when deciding their hourly rate or fees.

For Maths Tuition these are the main things that increase or decrease a tutors hourly rate:

1 - Experience: This is the biggest factor. A seasoned maths tutor who has been teaching for several years and knows how to get the best possible grades from his/her students will charge a higher fee - normally £40 + per hour. Some are as high £100+ There isn’t really a limit.

Maths tutors who are just starting out or have recently left school/university usually charge around £20 per hour.

2 - Types of Students: Some private maths tutors only work with students that go to top private schools. The demands are higher and the work is more intensive, so they charge a much higher rate than a maths tutor that works with a range of students who simply want to pass.

3 - Qualifications: Some maths tutors have a teaching qualification and so charge a higher rate than an unqualified maths tutor. This doesn’t necessarily make them a better tutor, some tutors are too ‘teacher like’ and don’t get on well with students. I will discuss this more in a different article.

4 - Students’ grades: Whilst a maths tutor is not directly responsible for the final grade a student achieves, they obviously do have some kind of impact. A tutor with a higher success rate with students may decide to charge more.

Some maths tutors will also factor in things like travel costs, resources etc. depending how and where they tutor.

Generally speaking a GCSE Maths Tutor with a higher fee will be a better tutor. However the most important thing when choosing a tutor is how well they get along with the student and if their teaching style works.

Everyone has a different way of teaching and all students vary somewhat in how they learn.

Finding a good match between a maths student and maths tutor can take time and might not always work out the first time.

Reviews and testimonials can help. Some tutors offer a free first session to see how well they click with the student.

But really, its only after a few sessions that you will know if the tutor is right for the student.