Stuck on GCSE maths topics?

Check out these panic calming tips & explanations to help you get through your gcse maths exam

Ratio, Graphs Zan Nadeem Ratio, Graphs Zan Nadeem

Drawing Graphs from Ratios - quick tip

You can treat Ratios like coordinates on a graph.

If you have a ratio in its simplified form, like 1 : 4

And then if you scale it up by multiplying - we learnt this is in my previous post on gcse maths ratios.

You can create a set of ratios like this:

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Zan Nadeem Zan Nadeem

Ratio and Proportion - Strawberries to Ice Cream

Ratio is a level 4/5 topic and, depending on where they decide to throw it in, can easily be a level 6 to 9 topic too.

Ratio can come up in both the foundation and higher gcse maths exam.

Its worth spending time to learn what ratio is and the different kinds of questions that can come up.

The questions on ratio in the foundation paper are usually quite straight forward.

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Percentages Zan Nadeem Percentages Zan Nadeem

Percentage Increase & Decrease - like making your own pop corn

Percent is a big topic in Secondary School Maths. If you don’t fully understand percentages whilst in KS3 - years 7 to 9 - you will struggle a lot in year 10 and 11 whilst preparing for your GCSE maths exam.

By the way, the work you do in years 7, 8 and 9 is the foundation maths GCSE. So, although nobody tells you, you do actually start your maths gcse in year 7.

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Algebra, GCSE Maths Algebra, GCSE Maths

Algebraic Fractions - possibly worse than broccoli without being good for you

Oooooh. Algebraic Fractions eh?

You know I love maths, so I could sit and do them all day long...but for most 'normal' people these are a nightmare...and they get worse.

Algebraic fractions are mostly level 7 and upwards, so an easy version could potentially pop up in the foundation paper, but they are usually always in the higher tier GCSE maths exam. Fun times.

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